The Actuaries

The Actuaries

Through the Global Young Talent Survey, Emerald Group has taken an in-depth-look at what young professionals are aiming for in their careers.
Across the global financial services sector, the number of women in leadership positions is slowly increasing.
The French Institut des actuaires (IA) and the Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung (DAV) jointly founded the Young Actuaries initiative in 2024 with an explicit European perspective.
Diversity has countless facets and has an impact both within a company as well as in its interaction with third parties.
As an actupool Competence Partner, Emerald Group brought valuable insights and top-class experience in actuarial fields and recruitment to our newsletters throughout 2023 – and will continue to do so
As part of their focus on supporting the actuaries of the future, Emerald Group has recently surveyed a selected group of young actuaries in Germany to understand their career goals and professional a
Attracting students and young talents can be challenging.
According to Deloitte, the future of actuaries is evolving rapidly as technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and automation create a new future of work.
The Solvency 2 directive caused a major cultural change in European insurers, by imposing on organisations a real transformation of the governance system around risk management.
Sarah Schadek-Keane, Director at Emerald Group, has been working within the recruitment industry for 13 years, hiring local and international talent for her global network of clients.
