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Kickoff: Where actupool Will Be Heading in 2025

As the world of work continues to evolve, actupool – the dedicated career platform for actuaries – and its partners are preparing to take the next step in shaping the future of actuaries and actuarial talent.
Written on 01/14/25

With new trends in digital recruitment, skill-building, and career mobility, our platform aims to go beyond job listings and become a true hub for connecting opportunities with the evolving needs of professionals. In 2025, actupool will focus on expanding its reach, enhancing personalized experiences, and supporting actuaries in their continued career development. Here's a look at what's in store for actupool and how it plans to elevate your career journey in the year ahead.

In 2025, we will put a special focus on supporting and empowering the next generation of actuaries. With an array of events, mentorship opportunities, and educational programs, we aim to foster personal growth, innovation, and exchange of knowledge among young professionals in the actuarial field. In order to combine knowledge transfer with networking opportunities, planning for events addressing career plotting as well as training and education for young professionals and actuarial talent is well advanced. To harbour full potential for our first activity in spring, we will be entering into a new partnership soon – more on that will follow very soon.

In autumn we launched the first episode of our new video format “actupool insights” with Antonia Schiller from our platform partner ERGO Group. Due to the great positive response from the actuarial community, “actupool insights” will be prioritized in 2025: Topics and interview guests for future episodes are already decided and recordings will start soon. Also, we are looking forward to your comments and suggestions for future interviews via E-Mail or on LinkedIn

Needless to say that in 2025 together with our partners ERGO Group, Emerald Group and Cominia Aktuarielle Services, we will continue to provide regular tips on advancing your actuarial career and news about the actuarial work environment, combined with the latest international actuarial job offers fitting your personal goals and current career stage. In addition, we are planning to expand the platform's user offering and further increase its reach.

We would like to thank you, dear readers, for your loyalty as well as our partner companies for their continued support, which enables us to regularly expand our services for the actuarial community. We look forward to an inspiring year ahead, full of exciting career opportunities for all! 

Your actupool Team